Bootcamp Session - 6 (8 June, 24; 11:00 ET, 17:00 CET, 20:30 IST): "Office Hour" by GM Boris Avrukh
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Algebraic Notations & The Chess Clock

Algebraic Notations & The Chess Clock
Learn record keeping using algebraic notations and use of the special chess clock.
R B Ramesh
R B Ramesh

Winner FIDE's Mark Dvoretsky Award 2018 (for best trainer of juniors)

This episode details the concept of Algebraic Notations in Chess and the Chess Clock. Algebraic Notations are the standard way of recording and communicating chess moves, and are used by players around the world. Understanding how to read and write algebraic notations is essential for analyzing and studying games, as well as for playing against opponents. The Chess Clock, is a device used to keep track of the time each player takes to make their moves. It's an important tool for tournament play, as it ensures that the game is played within a specific time frame. In this video, we will explore the basics of algebraic notations, including how to write and read moves, and how to use them to annotate games. We will also discuss the chess clock, including how it works, when it's used, and its impact on the game.

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