Bootcamp Session - 6 (8 June, 24; 11:00 ET, 17:00 CET, 20:30 IST): "Office Hour" by GM Boris Avrukh
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Dream Room

Chess Studies with Champions: Part 2

Chess Studies with Champions: Part 2
Blindfold chess study with GM Aravindh Chithambaram.
R B Ramesh
R B Ramesh

Winner FIDE's Mark Dvoretsky Award 2018 (for best trainer of juniors)

Blindfold chess is a remarkable feat of memory and visualization, where players are able to play chess without physically seeing the board. This type of play requires a deep understanding of chess concepts and a well-developed ability to visualize the position in one's mind. In this video, Grandmaster Aravindh Chidambaram, an experienced blindfold chess player, will guide us through a series of blindfold studies.

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