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Judging Positions On Merit - Part 1

Judging Positions On Merit - Part 1
How to evaluate positions on their merit
Abhijeet Gupta
Abhijeet Gupta

World Junior Champion, 5x Commonwealth Champion

As chess players, we are constantly faced with the task of evaluating different positions on the board, and deciding which moves to make based on our assessment of the situation. This is not always an easy task, as there are many different factors to consider, from pawn structure and material balance to piece activity and potential threats. One of the key principles of effective chess strategy is the ability to judge positions on their inherent merit, rather than simply reacting to the last move played by your opponent. By understanding the fundamental characteristics of different positions and recognizing the strengths and weaknesses of each side, you can develop a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the game, and make better decisions about how to proceed. In this video, Grandmaster Abhijeet Gupta will explore some of the key principles behind judging positions on merit, and show you how to apply these principles to your own games to gain a competitive edge over your opponents.

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